Compassion Toward Each Other Through News Writing

Published on 21 October 2024 at 11:54

I recently read a powerful quote from Joseph Smith which said,  "When persons manifest the least kindness and love to me, O what pow’r it has over my mind. . . . The nearer we get to our heavenly Father, the more are we dispos’d to look with compassion on perishing souls—[we feel that we want] to take them upon our shoulders and cast their sins behind our back . . . if you would have God have mercy on you, have mercy on one another."

In this industry of media ethics and writing, we will hurt each other's feelings or say things that may be ignorant or untrue. While I am not excusing the sin of hurting each other, forgiveness is truly the answering through all things. As a journalist, I will do my absolute best to receive accurate information; however, as we deal with imperfect people, we will receive imperfect knowledge. Growing closer to God has too many blessings to count, one of them being more compassionate towards people and their mistakes.

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